How To Create A Winning Culture In Your Organization

Building Teams, Grow Your Business

Your organization’s culture matters

I’m sure that you already know this, but how much time and effort have you invested in fostering the sort of culture your team and your customers deserve?

A thriving team culture doesn’t just happen on its own. Great business leaders understand that they play a central role in creating the right culture for their organization, but they also know when it’s time to get out of the way. 

Today, we’re going to explore a few ways in which you can finally create the winning culture in your organization that you’ve always wanted. 

Never forget that leadership sets the tone

Whether or not you are consciously aware of it, you and everyone else in a leadership position makes a direct contribution to your team’s culture. 

Even the smallest things make an impact. All eyes are on you, and people will naturally model their behavior in accordance with the way leadership behaves. 

With that in mind, why wouldn’t you make a more conscious effort to make positive contributions to your culture?

Here are three simple ways in which you as a leader can make a positive impact on your team’s culture:

Be present 

Remember, as a business leader, all eyes are on you. When you’re attending an event, meeting, or presentation, simply being present and attentive shows your team that you’ve made this a priority. 

This seems small, but we live in an era where it’s far too easy to get distracted by our phones, email, etc, and those distractions can be a sign of disrespect to those around us who deserve our attention. 

Set the right example for your team by being present when it counts. 

Be accountable 

Being accountable is one of our Core Values at Cardone Ventures, and it’s for a very good reason. No matter what position you hold at our company, being accountable to your words and actions is a must. 

We want to have credibility within our organization so that everyone who represents our brand acts with integrity. 

If we as leaders were to put ourselves in a position of “Do as I say, not as I do,” then we’re undermining our values and most certainly creating team members who are going to cut corners, under deliver to our clients, and degrade our brand until we render it meaningless. 

Our accountability is central to the integrity of our culture. 

Know when to get out of the way

Here’s one of the most important things to remember: We as leaders help set the tone of our team culture, but our team culture is not about us. You need to know when to get the hell out of the way. 

That’s why Cardone Ventures has what’s called the Culture Club. The Culture Club is an employee-driven group on our team that hosts events all throughout the year to help foster something deeper than an entirely transactional company-employee culture. 

What investing in your team’s culture really means

Some of you might be thinking, “This is a business. It doesn’t bother me if it’s entirely transactional,” and while that might be able to work for some businesses, it probably also means your employee turnover is pretty high. 

Here’s what we believe investing in our culture creates:

  • Opportunities for our team to connect on a human level
  • A venue to share the company’s vision
  • A break from the routine of work 

Though the leadership team always has a presence at these events and we participate in the same way as any other team member, these activities are always entirely led by the Culture Club. 

The goal is to create an environment where it’s valuable, memorable, and people really want to be there. Maybe you’re carving pumpkins for Halloween. Maybe it’s a catered lunch to celebrate a strong quarter. Maybe it’s a late-afternoon happy hour to kick off annual planning meetings. It could even be a game of baby trivia to celebrate a team member who will soon be having a baby.

Whatever it is, you can’t force it. Trust me, I’ve been in situations in other organizations where the “fun” of team building activities was completely thrust upon everyone, no one wanted to be there, and the end result was little more than two uncomfortable hours that none of us will ever get back.

Even though there were good intentions in place, we hadn’t consistently laid the groundwork to have earned what we were trying to achieve. It wasn’t employee-driven. There wasn’t an already established sense of camaraderie. That’s why putting together a committee from different parts of the organization is essential to creating a successful team culture. 

A healthy culture means a healthy business

Listen, I know that it can feel silly, but creating the space for your team to create great cultural ideas will just draw them closer together as a team, make them feel more connected to the mission of the business, and ultimately have a positive impact on your goals. 

Hang out with your team. Find out who they are as people. Nurture their talent. When they feel invested in, they’re going to be even more willing to give their best to their work, benefitting your clients and your bottom line. 

What’s not to love about that?

If you want to learn more about how to build a great culture, a winning team, and a 10X business, then you have to attend a Cardone Ventures event! We explore every aspect of the business in order to help you achieve your personal, professional, and financial goals. 

Sounds great, right? It is! But you better register fast. These seats fill up quickly! Secure your spot today!